NHS Peer Tutoring

NHS Peer Tutoring
4/30/2021, 12:00 PM 2:00 PM
MHS Library

TUTORING: Need help? If you are a student, or a parent of a student, who could use extra help with schoolwork during this time of hybrid or online learning, National Honor Society (NHS) students from Marshfield High School are offering tutoring on most Fridays from 12-2 p.m. for 4th-8th graders (and even 9th and 10th graders recently). The tutors will be working from the Marshfield High School Library and can offer in-person tutoring for up to 10 students at a time. Students will be expected to follow social distancing, including wearing a mask. Virtual tutoring will also be available at the same time through Google Meets. Interested students can join the “NHS Tutoring” Google Classroom with the following code: dxlhiuo. Additional information will be posted there. Students or parents can also contact librarian and NHS advisor Catherine Hampton at [email protected] or at 541-267-1432 for more information.
*The only days tutoring will not be available are March 5, March 26 and April 16 and the last day will be June 4.

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