Counseling and Student Services
Class of 2025 um3v4zb
Class of 2026 joqb76c
Class of 2027 ffzushr
Class of 2028 rr3oq4d
Please contact them in regards to the process for registering your student.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 541-267-1405 Ext. 2002 Direct Line: 541-267-1400
FAX: 541-269-0161
972 Ingersoll Ave.
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Email [email protected]
Phone: 541-267-1405 Ext. 2200 Direct Line: 541-267-1402
FAX: 541-269-0161
972 Ingersoll Ave.
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Counselor Assignments for 2024-2025
Have you lost or misplaced your high school diploma? We are now able to have those reprinted for you through our current graduation supply company, Miners Graduation Services. Please use the link provided to start your request for a replacement diploma.
Miners Graduation Services will be verifying with Marshfield High School office, when and if you graduated, what diploma type you earned and if you owed fees and did not actually receive it (at which point they will not be able to provide you with one). If you have any questions regarding this process you may contact our registrar, Stacie Culver, at 541/267-1400.