Counseling and Student Services » Expanded Options

Expanded Options

Coos Bay School District offers an Expanded Options Program that allows current students in grades 11 and 12 options for earning dual high school/college credits through a partnership with Southwestern Oregon Community College (SOCC).

Students must complete an educational learning plan through their high school and speak with their counselor about utilizing the program. They will earn high school credit toward their diploma and college credit that may transfer to a post-secondary program.


The purpose of an Expanded Options Program is to:
  • Create a seamless education system for public school students enrolled in grades 11 and 12 to have additional options to continue or complete their education, earn concurrent high school and college credits and gain early entry into post secondary education;
  • Promote and support existing accelerated college credit programs, and support the development of new programs that are unique to Marshfield’s partnership with SOCC;
  • Provide public funding to SOCC for education services to eligible students to offset the cost of tuition, fees, textbooks, equipment and materials for students who participate.
Who is an “Eligible Student”? An “eligible student” is one who:
• Is currently enrolled at Marshfield High School
• Will be in grade 11 or 12 based on number of credits earned and
• Will be 16 years old or older at the time of enrollment in a course under the Expanded Options Program,
• Has developed an educational learning plan, and
• Has not successfully completed all the requirements for a high school diploma

What is an “Eligible Post-Secondary Course?” An “eligible post-secondary course”:
• Is any non-sectarian course or program offered through SOCC that may lead to high school completion, a
certificate, professional certification, associate degree or baccalaureate degree.
• Is not offered at the student’s resident school.
• Includes academic and professional technical courses, and, if appropriate, distance education courses.

How many credits/courses can an “eligible” student take?
• The state has developed a formula cap to help schools calculate how many credits are available for students to
access each term. The actual number of available credits is based on the number of students attending the high
• The Expanded Options program gives priority to “at risk” students when there are more eligible students
interested in participating in the program than there are credits available.
• “At risk” students are students who are identified as qualifying for free/reduced lunch or who meet the state and/or
federal poverty guidelines.
• Individual Marshfield students in the Expanded Options Program may take up to 12 credit hours at SOCC. Twelve credit hours is considered a full-time college student. Efforts will be made to provide all eligible students
opportunities for credits through the Expanded Options Program.
• Students must also enroll in courses at their resident high school to complete available required graduation
• No summer coursework is available through the Expanded Options program.
Additional Important Information:

• All textbooks, fees, equipment and materials provided to an eligible student and paid for by the school district are
the property of the resident school district of the student.
• SOCC will provide academic advising and scheduling assistance to the student and the district.
• Foreign exchange students enrolled in school under a cultural exchange program are not eligible for the Extended
Option Program.