Understanding Edgenuity’s Progress Report & Grading

Understanding Edgenuity’s Progress Report & Grading

As you begin to look at progress reports and student grades within the Edgenuity system, it is important that teachers,parents, and students understand how grades are reported. Please review the information below.

• Overall Grade – The weighted average grade for completed activities based on the grade weights for each type
of activity. In the sample above, the student has an 83.3% overall grade. Note: If the student only does one
assignment the entire time, the overall grade would reflect that single assignment every time.

• Actual Grade – Overall grade adjust for progress if the student is behind. This score doesn't assume zeros for
uncompleted work; it simply reduces the percentage as the student is behind. In the sample above, the student
has completed 2.2% of the course, but should have completed 4.4% of the course. The actual grade is the
product of the overall grade times the percentage of completion, e.g. 83.3 x (2.2%/4.4%) or 41.65%. Note: The
actual grade will reflect the expected progress for the day a student is working. As such, the grade should match
the overall grade when progress is at or above the Target Completion percentage.

• Relative Grade – The grade that a student would receive if he stopped working and received 0% for all unscored, counted activities.

• Daily Goal – The time a student needs to dedicate each school day to stay on pace for the course. This is basedon estimates to complete the activities within the course and may vary from student to student based on
individual skill.

• Est. Time Remaining – The time a student needs to dedicate each school day to stay on pace for the course.