Love the Bus in February and every month

February is Love the Bus Month, and it is a good time to remind families why school districts like Coos Bay Public Schools offer bus services to and from schools.

Not only is it good for families and students, buses and bus drivers are good for society and the environment.

Join us in February and all year in thanking our bus drivers, and First Student, who we partner with to provide busing for students.

Five reasons to love the bus

1 - Student Safety: Studies show school buses are the safest way for children to get to and from school, approximately 70 times safer than passenger cars and 10 times safer than walking.

2 - Dedicated Drivers: School bus drivers are highly-trained professionals who strive to provide the best start and finish to every student's school day.

3 - Top Technology: School buses are more technologically advanced than ever, including GPS systems and electronic alarms to keep students safe.

4 - Smoother Commutes: Every school bus takes 36 private passenger vehicles off the road, which not only means fewer minutes sitting in traffic, but also cleaner air.

5 - Less Time at the Pump: Each parent who has his or her child ride the school bus will save approximately 180 gallons of fuel per year and 3,600 miles being put on the family car.