College and Career Center » Colleges


Oregon Four-Year Colleges and Universities (University System Schools)

Oregon Private Four-Year Colleges and Universities

Out of State Colleges

Information can be found in the Career Center. Consult the college guides, college catalogs, video library, and research in Naviance.You’ll probably have to write for applications. Allow time for replies from out of state schools.


Community Colleges

More and more of our students are deciding to start at a Community College. The entrance requirements are easier, the costs are remarkably less, and the adjustment to college life is often easier. Many students have reported that they felt less”lost” than their friends who went to large universities.

If this sounds like a plan for you, check out the programs and possibilities offered at Southwestern Oregon Community College.


Community College Facts

Entrance requirements for Community College includes attending orientation and taking placement tests, not the SAT. Some of the more competitive programs require separate deadlines. This information is in the Career Center, as well as at the college.

Oregon is fortunate to have a very good Community College System. A brochure in the Career Center explains the unique programs available at the different colleges.

Oregon Community Colleges

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